The foundation of every successful organization lies in its leadership. The ability to navigate complexities, inspire teams, and drive innovation has become the defining factor in a company’s longevity. As industries become increasingly competitive, organizations are compelled to seek new ways to stay ahead.
One of our clients in the food manufacturing industry boosted its competitive edge by prioritizing leadership development. They realized the need for a formal employee development program to enhance the skills of their growing leaders. This initiative would boost employee satisfaction and retention.
Our Talent Strategists designed quarterly leadership development programs to support leaders with the skills to successfully manage and support their front-line employees.
To identify the skills needed to support their front-line employees, EG conducted a learning needs analysis. That tangible data enabled us to create relevant and engaging content to help fill those gaps.
These leadership development sessions were co-facilitated at six different locations over the course of eight months, with a total of 120 participants.
We evaluated behavior changes before, during, and after the training sessions. The results showed:
- 30% increase in leader preparedness
- 15% increase in the skills to succeed as leaders
- 11% increase in awareness of company policies and procedures
These sessions were vital to grow front-line leaders and increase employee satisfaction