
5 Tips to Prevent Burnout

Matches at various burnout stages

Burnout is becoming more and more of a workplace issue as the pressure to be “always-on” continues to ramp up. You might sometimes feel you can never truly “unplug” from their work, especially if you’re working from home. Burnout is known as job-related stress resulting in a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also includes a lost sense of accomplishment and identity and comes from overworking. Symptoms of burnout include changes in your sleep pattern, difficulty concentrating, irritability, trouble staying productive, and job disillusionment. If you’re feeling like you may be experiencing these feelings, or are at risk, here are five tips to prevent burnout you can start implementing in your work-life today.

Schedule Free Time for Yourself

Our days are busy; there’s always something to do and activities that fill up your calendar. Combat this stress of “being busy” by scheduling free time for yourself. If that means physically carving out some time on your calendar, do it. Try to set up a break schedule – even if it’s for 10 minutes at a time – to get away from your work and clear your head. 

Use your free time to get up from your desk or workstation to take a walk, have a healthy snack, or listen to some music. These simple, mindful activities will help ease stress while clearing your mind to be more productive when you return to your work.

Set Boundaries for Yourself

If you do not set boundaries for yourself, you will burn out sooner or later. Setting boundaries means you have a set time when you “log off” from work; this is especially important if you’re working from home. Boundaries also include taking breaks that let you get away from your desk or workstation to stretch and clear your mind. 

By setting boundaries, you allow your mind to rest from the stress or the to-do list that keeps you “just busy.” When you leave work at the end of the day, it’s important to stay offline as much as possible, so your mind and body can relax and reset.

Start a Hobby for Fun

Find something you can do for your personal enjoyment – start a hobby for fun! Whether it’s art-related, working out, gardening, or reading for pleasure, starting a hobby for enjoyment is a great way to de-stress and combat burnout. Doing activities you enjoy will help your mental and physical well-being because you won’t be thinking or stressing about work. You’ll be able to return to work refreshed and recharged!

Meditate Daily

There is a lot of power in mindful breathing. Even if it’s only for 10 minutes, you should meditate daily. Self-care is the ultimate way to combat burnout, and meditation is a great way to put yourself first. When you find your focus, you’ll be able to quietly just breathe, and you’ll actually feel the stress leave your body. Make sure you find a quiet place to meditate where you won’t be distracted; this means leave your phone behind!

Pay Attention to Your Physical and Mental State

Our bodies are always communicating with us; we need to make sure we’re paying attention to our physical and mental state. Instead of shrugging off physical or mental strain, listen to your body. If your mind and body are telling you to take a break and recharge, listen, things will always get worse if you don’t. 

When your body and mind are giving you signs you’re overly stressed and at risk of burnout, take steps like we mentioned earlier to reset and recharge. You can also re-align your physical and mental well-being by listening to an encouraging podcast, get more rest/sleep, and repeating positive affirmations.

Beat burnout by taking care of yourself. Burnout is a major issue workers are facing, but you can keep yourself from being overworked by scheduling free time, setting boundaries, starting a hobby, practicing daily meditation, and paying attention to your physical and mental state. 

About EG Workforce Solutions

We’ve been in this business for decades and have developed a deep network of professional connections. Whether they’re companies looking for talent, job seekers looking for work, or an up-and-coming store in need of some temporary help, we know the right people to bridge the gap between the hiring and the hired.

But what’s more, we get to know people. From employers hiring to candidates looking, we take the time to listen and learn. We hear your likes, talents, and needs. We gain an understanding, and with it, we’re able to facilitate lasting relationships between businesses and people.

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