Looking for a Mentor, Advisor, and Career Advocate? Find Yourself a Recruiter

Taking the next step on your career journey can feel impersonal and overwhelming. According to Glassdoor research, 250 resumes will be submitted for each corporate job opening and only 4-6 interviews will be granted, it’s no wonder job seekers get discouraged. But when you partner with the right recruiter, the process can become positive, exciting and filled with the glimmer of opportunity. An experienced recruiter can assist with compensation negotiation, positively represent your niche skill set, and act as your advocate throughout the hiring process – so why would you ever go it alone?
Recruiters are well-connected to open positions and hiring managers even when companies may choose not to post their openings publicly. This puts recruiters in a unique position to be a liaison between candidate and client partners who may prefer to connect with passive candidates before they communicate open positions publicly.
A recruiter can help you ace the interview. Because a recruiter has strategic insight into the objectives and culture of the hiring company, they can prepare you with knowledge of what’s important to both the organization and the hiring manager. This means you’ll be more comfortable and effective in interviews, plus it gives you the information you need to fully consider how a new opportunity stacks up against your career goals and personal values.
The proliferation of online job search tools makes it seem as if the hiring process is easy. But it isn’t. It can feel like you’re throwing yourself into an anonymous black hole lined with self-doubt and mismatched intentions. Effective recruiters recognize that no two candidates are the same, each open opportunity is unique, and every company delivers a different career experience.
At EG, we take the important role of career matchmaker very seriously. Our first and most important step is to spend one-on-one time with all parties involved to help them identify their needs and achieve their goals.
“The most important part of my job is listening. That’s how I come to know a candidates goals and dreams, and understand the nuances of the openings hiring companies need to fill. I’m also extra sensitive to making connections efficiently and quickly to keep the momentum and experience positive for everyone,” says Heidi Bremer, Professional Recruiting Consultant at EG.
To take a step forward in your career or discuss any other recruitment matter, contact EG. info@eg-us.com
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